• My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ eradicated passion/ hatred and
    My great teacher/ the supreme Buddha/ eradicated the desire of/
    seeing forms…
    hearing sounds…
    smelling odors…
    tasting flavors…
    feeling bodily sensations…
    thinking thoughts/

    Supreme Buddha/ controlled sense faculties/ guarded sense faculties/ restrained sense faculties/ My great teacher/ the Supreme Buddha/ is free from defilements.

    In this way/my great teacher/ Supreme Buddha is an Arahant/ Arahant/


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ realized “suffering” as a noble truth/
    without guidance from a teacher.

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ realized “the origin of suffering”/ as a
    noble truth/ without guidance from a teacher.

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ realized “the cessation of suffering”/
    as a noble truth/ without guidance from a teacher.

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/, realized “the path leading to
    cessation of suffering
    ”/ as a noble truth/ without guidance from a teacher.

    In this way/my great teacher/ Supreme Buddha/ is Sammā Sambuddho/
    Sammā Sambuddho/ Sammā Sambuddho.


  • My great teacher/supreme Buddha/ possessed supernatural powers/
    walked in the sky/walked on water /and passed through solid objects/
    In this way/ my great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ possessed the
    knowledge of infinite supernatural powers (iddhivida ñāna).

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ acquired the divine eye/ (dibba
    cakkhu ñāna)
    enabling to see things from any distance.

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ acquired the divine ear/ (dibba sota
    enabling to listen to sounds from any distance.

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ acquired the ability to recollect/ past
    lives of beings (pubbe nivāsānussati ñāna).

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ acquired the ability to see/ passing
    away/ and rebirth of beings/ based on their actions (cutūpapāta ñāna).

    My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ acquired the knowledge of
    /eradicating all hidden defilements (āsavakkhaya ñāna).

    In this way/possessing great knowledge virtue, and concentration/ the
    Supreme Buddha/ is Vijjacarana Saṁpanno/ Vijjacarana Saṁpanno/
    Vijjacarana Saṁpanno


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ discovered the excellent path to
    Nibbāna/ the noble eight fold path/ and by developing it/ reached the
    supreme bliss of Nibbāna.

    In this way/my great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ is Sugato/ Sugato/ Sugato.


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ fully understood all brahma worlds,
    all divine worlds/the human world/ the four fold hell/ and escaped from
    all these worlds.

    In this way/my great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ is Lokavidu/
    Lokavidu/ Lokavidu.


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ tamed arrogant divine beings and
    humans/ The supreme Buddha/ tamed and directed them to Nibbāna
    using supernatural powers (iddhi patihariya), reading their minds
    (adesana pratiharya) and teaching Dhamma (anusasana pratiharya).

    In this way/ my great teacher/ supreme Buddha is Anuttaro Purisa
    Dhammasarathi/ Anuttaro Purisa Dhammasarathi/ Anuttaro Purisa


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ showed the path to Nibbāna/ to wise
    divine beings and humans.

    In this way/ my great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ is Satthā Devamanussanaṁ/
    Satthā Devamanussanaṁ/ Satthā Devamanussanaṁ.


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/ taught the Four Noble Truths/ using
    clear words/ and clear definitions/ clearly, pleasantly, and meaningfully/
    helping others to realize the Dhamma.

    In this way/my great teacher/ supreme Buddha is Buddho/ Buddho/ Buddho.


  • My great teacher/ supreme Buddha/was blessed with all of these noble
    qualities/ supreme Buddha, was blessed with the brightest wisdom/ that
    surpasses the sun and moon.My great teacher/supreme Buddha/ was blessed
    with a heart full of limitless compassion.

    In this way/ the supreme Buddha is Bhagavā/ Bhagavā/ Bhagavā.

    May my homage be/ to my great teacher/ supreme Buddha, who possessed
    incomparable wisdom and great compassion.