Learn about 'the Power of Merit'
Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.31 Sumanā Sutta
Those days, the Blessed One was living in the province of Sāvatthī, in Jeta’s Park, at Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then Princess Sumanā, along with five hundred chariots and five hundred royal young women, went up to the Blessed One, bowed, sat down to one side, and asked:
“Bhante, suppose there were two disciples equal in faith, virtue, and wisdom. However, one practices giving and sharing, one does not. After death, they’re reborn in a happy place, heaven. When they have become gods, would there be any variation or difference between them?”
“There would be, Sumanā,” said the Blessed One. “As a god, the one who was a giver would be better than the other in five ways: divine lifespan, divine beauty, divine happiness, divine retinue (one has a large number of friends), and divine authority. As a god, the one who was a giver would be better than the other in these five ways.”
“But Bhante, if they pass away from that heaven and are reborn in the human world, would there still be any variation or difference between them?”
“There would be, Sumanā,” said the Blessed One. “As a human being, the one who was a giver would be better than the other in five ways: human lifespan, human beauty, human happiness, human retinue,1 and human authority. As a human being, the one who was a giver would be better than the other in these five ways.”
“But Bhante, if they both become monks, would there still be any variation or difference between them?”
“There would be, Sumanā,” said the Blessed One. “As a monk, the one who was a giver would be better than the other in five ways. He would usually receive many robes from others, rarely would he not receive robes. He would usually receive a lot of alms food from others, rarely would he not receive alms food. He would usually receive lodgings from others, rarely would he not receive lodgings. He would usually receive a lot of medicine from others, rarely would he not receive medicine. When living with other monks, he is usually treated by them with a heart of loving kindness by way of body, speech, and mind,2 rarely the opposite. As a monk, the one who was a giver would be better than the other in these five ways.”
“But Bhante, if they both attain Nibbāna, as liberated monks would there still be any variation or difference between them?”
“In that case, Sumanā, I say there is no difference between the liberation of one and the liberation of the other.”
“It’s incredible, Bhante, it’s amazing! One should surely practice giving and sharing and one should surely make merit. For merit is helpful to those who have become gods. For merit is helpful to those who have become humans. For merit is helpful to those who have become monks.”
“That’s so true, Sumanā. One should surely practice giving and sharing and one should surely make merit. For merit is helpful to those who have become gods. For merit is helpful to those who have become humans. For merit is helpful to those who have become monks.”
That is what the Blessed One said. Then the Enlightened One, the Buddha, further said:
“The stainless moon, journeying across the sky; outshines with its radiance all the stars.
In the same way, the faithful person, perfect in virtue, outshines with his generosity all the stingy people in the world.
The thundering rain cloud, its hundred peaks wreathed in lightning, pours down over the earth, filling the plains and lowlands.
Like this, a wise person with right view, a disciple of the Supreme Buddha, surpasses a stingy person in five ways: long life and friendships, beauty and happiness. Surrounded by riches, he departs the human world to rejoice in heaven.”
Khuddakapāṭha 8 Nidhikaṇḍa Sutta
The Discourse on Savings
A person stores his savings
in a deep pit close to water thinking:
“When a duty or need has arisen
it will be there to help me,
“To free me from a king if slandered,
or from a thief, or from a debt, or famine.”
For this kind of help,
savings are stored up in the world.
Although it is well stored
in a deep pit, close to water,
still, it cannot help him
in all things on every occasion,
For perhaps those savings are removed from that place,
or he forgets the signs telling where they are,
or nāgas take them away,
or yakkhas carry them off,
or the heirs he dislikes
steal them unseen,
and when his merit comes to an end
all of his savings will be destroyed.
However if a woman or a man who through giving, virtue,
meditation, and self-control
store his or her savings up, that is said to be the best saving.
If one respects stūpas, or the community of Buddhist monks,
or in an individual, or a guest,
Or his mother or father,
also an elder brother and sister,
those savings called merits, are well stored up,
those merits follow when going to the next life.
He gives up wealth when he has to leave this life.
But saving, called merits, go along with him.
It is not shared with others,
no thief carries those savings away,
The wise person should make merit,
for that savings follows one along.
That savings satisfies every desire of gods and humans,
whatever they wish for.
Through this merit they receive all.
A gorgeous look, a sweet voice,
a beautiful body, power, and many friends,
through this merit they receive all.
Leadership in a community, a human kingship,
and whatever happiness a universal king has,
also kingship in the heavens—
through this merit they receive all.
Human pleasures,
Divine pleasures,
even Nibbāna, the end of suffering—
through this merit they receive all.
Mental development by the attainment
of true knowledge and liberation,
with the association of good friends,
and thinking in line with the Dhamma,
continuation of wholesome qualities—
through this merit they receive all.
The higher spiritual attainments, the liberations,
and enlightenment of the disciples of a Buddha,
Awakening of a private Buddha, the awakening of a Fully Enlightened Buddha—
through this merit they receive all.
So this is of great benefit,
that is to say, the accumulation of merit.
therefore the wise and intelligent
always praise the making of merit.
Vimāna Vatthu 1.4 Catuttha Pīṭha Sutta
Fourth Throne Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Dear Devata, you are sitting on a throne made of beryl gemstones. It flies wherever you want, and as quickly as you want it to. You are beautifully dressed, wearing garlands of flowers, and you are radiant, like lightning shining through the clouds.
What kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, when I was in the human world I did a very small meritorious act. One day, I saw a monk without defilements, calm in mind, free from agitation. My mind was pleased at the sight of that monk; I had great confidence in him. I offered him a chair that I had prepared with my own hands.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu 1.9 Dīpa Sutta
Lamp Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds you have done to gain this happiness?
Devata, the pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
What kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
In my previous life, I was a woman in the human world. One night, there was a certain area which was very dark. People desperately needed light there. I lighted that area with a lamp.
Now I know for certain, if someone provides lamps to light a dark area, that person is reborn in the heavenly mansion called Jotirasa. There are beautiful flowers there like white lotuses.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
That is why the pure radiance of my body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu 3.2 Lacchudāyikā Sutta
Sugar-Cane Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you shine like the sun which illuminates the sky and the earth. You shine like a great Brahma who shines brighter than Sakka and the Tavatimsa devas. You surpass others with your beauty, fame, and power.
Devata, you wear blue lotus garlands, your skin is the color of gold, and you wear beautiful dresses. Now that you are worshiping me, I ask you, who are you?
What kind of meritorious action did you do in the past? Did you practice generosity well, or follow the precepts? How have you been born in this heaven? What action have you done to earn this result?
Bhante, in this same village which we are in right now, you came to our house on your almsround. I was pleased to see you. I offered you a small piece of sugar-cane with a delighted heart.
Later, when my mother-in-law came home, she asked me, “Daughter-in-law, where did you put my sugar-cane?” I told her, “I neither threw it away nor ate it. I offered it to a peaceful monk.” My mother-in-law got very angry. Scolding me she said, “Hey! Are you the owner of this house or am I? Who makes the decisions here?” She hit me with a chair and I died instantly. I was reborn as a devata in this heaven.
That was the meritorious action I did. This is how I enjoy this divine happiness surrounded by gods. The god Sakka protects the Tavatimsa Heaven and the Tavatimsa devas protect me. The result of the offering of a small piece of sugar-cane was not small. It generated great fruit. I enjoy happiness in the heavenly Nandana Park like the god Sakka.
Bhante, you are very compassionate and wise. I came here to ask about your well-being and worship you. I have received all these wonderful things having offered a small piece of sugar-cane to you willingly and with a very happy mind.
Vimāna Vatthu 3.10 Pāricchattaka Sutta
Coral Tree Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, this coral tree is beautiful and delightful. You are making garlands from the flowers of that tree while singing happily. When you dance, beautiful divine sounds and fragrance spread from your limbs. As you dance and as your hair waves, the bells on your hair play beautiful music. Also, as wind blows on the garland-crown on your head it plays beautiful music. Your garland-crown looks and smells very beautiful like a manjusaka tree full of fragrant flowers.
Do you smell these scents? Have you seen your beauty? We now ask you, what kind of meritorious actions did you do to have gained these results?
When I was in the human world, one day I made a garland out of asoka flowers. It was so pretty and smelled delightful. I offered that flower garland to the Supreme Buddha.
In this way, I practiced lots of meritorious deeds as encouraged by the Buddha. This is why today I live very happily in this heaven without any sorrow or pain.
Vimāna Vatthu 4.1 Mañjeṭṭhaka Sutta
Crimson Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Dear Devata, your mansion is crimson colored. Golden sand spreads all over your compound. Delightful music is always playing. You enjoy listening to that music very much.
Now you leave your mansion made of gems and walk towards the park of sala trees, full of beautiful flowers. When you go under a sala tree, something wonderful happens: the branches of the tree bend towards you and shower you with flowers. There are many beautiful birds in the park. Sala trees are blown by the wind in a beautiful rhythm, spreading their fragrance in all directions.
Do you smell these scents? Have you seen your beauty? We now ask you, what kind of meritorious actions did you do to gain these results?
In my previous life I lived in the human world. I was a servant girl in a good family. One day, the Supreme Buddha visited my master’s house. I was very happy to see the Buddha sitting inside the house. I offered sala flowers spreading them around the Blessed One. I also made a beautiful garland-crown out of sala flowers and with delight offered it to the Supreme Buddha.
In this way, I practiced lots of meritorious deeds as encouraged by the Buddha. This is why today I live very happily in this heaven without any sorrow or pain.
Vimāna Vatthu 4.4 Alomā Sutta
Aloma’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
In the human world I lived in the city of Baranasi. The Supreme Buddha was born in the Clan of the Sun. Therefore he is known as the Kinsman of the Sun. One day I happily offered a dry lump of rice cake to the Supreme Buddha.
The lump of rice cake I gave was very dry, unsalted and not tasty. But look at the result of that tiny offering! When others see how I enjoy life here, who would not want to collect merit?
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu 4.7 Caturitthi Sutta
Four Women Mansion
Moggallana Bhante saw four devatas and questioned each of them.
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
The first devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
First Devata:
In the human world I lived in the great city of Pannakata in the mountains of Esika. One day, I saw a monk going on his almsround and I offered him a bouquet of yellow flowers.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
That is why the pure radiance of my body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body.
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What is the meritorious deed that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
The second devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Second Devata:
In the human world I lived in the great city of Pannakata in the mountains of Esika. One day, I saw a monk going on his almsround and I offered him a bouquet of blue water lilies.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
That is why the pure radiance of my body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body.
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What is the meritorious deed that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
The third devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Third Devata:
In the human world I lived in the great city of Pannakata in the mountains of Esika. One day, I saw a monk going on his almsround and I gave him a bouquet of lotuses with white roots and green leaves which I picked from the pond.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
That is why the pure radiance of my body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body.
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What is the meritorious deed that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
The fourth devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Fourth Devata:
In the human world I lived in the great city of Pannakata in the mountains of Esika. One day, I saw a monk going on his almsround and I gave him a bouquet of ivory colored jasmine buds.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
That is why the pure radiance of my body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body.
Vimāna Vatthu 4.10 Ucchu Sutta
Sugar Cane Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you shine like the sun which illuminates the sky and the earth. You shine like a great Brahma who shines brighter than Sakka and the Tavatimsa devas. You surpass others with your beauty, fame, and power.
Devata, you are wearing blue lotus garlands, your skin is the color of gold, and you are adorned with beautiful gowns. Now that you are worshiping me, I ask you: who are you?
What kind of meritorious action did you do in the past? Did you practice generosity well, or follow precepts? How were you born in this heaven? I ask you about the action that gave this result.
Bhante, in this village where we are now, you came to our house on your almsround. I was pleased to see you. I offered you a small piece of sugar-cane with a delighted heart.
Later, when my mother-in-law came home, she asked me, “Daughter-in-law, where did you put my sugar-cane?” and I told her, “I neither threw it away nor ate it. I offered it to a peaceful monk.” My mother-in-law got very angry. Scolding me, she said, “Hey! Are you the owner of this house or am I? Who makes the decisions here?” She hit me with a stone and I died instantly. I was reborn as a devata in this heaven.
That was the meritorious action I did to enjoy this divine happiness surrounded by gods. The god Sakka protects the Tavatimsa Heaven and the Tavatimsa devas protect me. The result of the offering of a small sugar-cane was not small. It bore great fruit. I enjoy happiness in the heavenly Nandana Park like the god Sakka.
Bhante, you are very compassionate and wise. I came here to ask about your well-being and to worship you. I have received all these wonderful things having offered a small piece of sugar-cane to you with a mind of faith and a joyful heart.
Vimāna Vatthu 6.6 Bhikkhadāyaka Sutta
Almsfood Giver’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
This mansion is very high, spreading for one hundred and sixty kilometers, with pillars of beryl and other gemstones. Seven hundred small houses with triangular-shaped roofs are within the complex. This mansion is extremely beautiful.
Inside the mansion, you are drinking and eating. The sweet music of divine guitars plays throughout the complex. Well-trained devatas delight in dancing and singing.
Powerful Deva, you have become a leader among devas. The pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Tell me, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
In my previous life I lived in the human world. One day, I saw a monk who was very weak and tired from thirst. I offered alms to him and helped him overcome his hunger and thirst.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful deva and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu 6.9 Dutiya Kuṇḍalī Sutta
Second Deva With Decorated Hair Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Dear Deva, you are extremely beautiful. You are dressed in beautiful divine clothes. You are wearing divine flower garlands and your hands are decorated with divine ornaments. Most importantly, there are beautiful ornaments in your decorated hair and beard. You are very famous and shine like the moon in your mansion.
The sweet music of divine guitars plays throughout the complex. Well-trained devatas delight in dancing and singing.
Powerful Deva, you have become a leader among devas. The pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Tell me Deva, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Great Bhante, in my previous life I was in the human world. There I saw monks with good behavior, who had memorized the Dhamma well, and achieved special knowledges. Those Arahant Bhantes were freed from desires and respected by humans and gods. I had confidence in them and respectfully offered much food and drink.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful deva and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu 7.4 Suvaṇṇa Sutta
Golden Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Dear Deva, your mansion is on a golden mountain and shines brightly. It is covered with nets of gold and ringing bells. Eight-sided pillars made of beryl gemstones and seven other jewels support your mansion. The floor of the mansion is beautiful and made of beryl, gold, crystal, silver, cat’s-eyes, pearls, and ruby gems. There is no dust anywhere in the mansion. Golden beams support its pinnacle. There are four stairways facing the four directions. The mansion’s inner rooms are made of various jewels and radiate brilliantly like the sun. There are four main stages: one north, one south, one east, one west. They shine throughout the four directions.
You live in this excellent mansion, shining brilliantly like the rising sun. Is all this the fruit of your generosity, your virtuous behavior, or because you worshiped monks in the past? Please answer my questions so that I may know.
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
In my previous life, I lived in the human world in the city of Andhakavinda. With a happy mind I built a monastery with my own hands to offer to the Great Teacher, the Kinsman of the Sun, the Supreme Buddha.
I offered that monastery to the Great Teacher along with sweet fragrances, flower garlands, and lotions.
I have received the result of that meritorious deed. Now I am a leader among devas in this Nandana Park. I enjoy living in this park, surrounded by various birds and singing and dancing goddesses.