A Merit that
Surpasses the Waters of the Four Great Oceans
Vimāna Vatthu | 6.10 Uttara Sutta
Uttara’s Mansion
Kumara Kassapa Bhante:
Dear Deva, there is a beautiful divine hall owned by the god Sakka called Sudhamma Assembly Hall. All the Devas gather there harmoniously. Shining brilliantly in the sky, your mansion is as beautiful as that assembly hall. Powerful Deva, you have become a leader among devas. The pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions. Tell me, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Kumara Kassapa gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, in my previous life I lived in the human world as a young servant of King Payasi. I received some money and offered alms using that money. Virtuous monks are very dear to me. I had confidence in them. I offered much food and drink to them respectfully.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful deva and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart. Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
The Appearance Of Buddhas Are Rare In This World. The Wearing Of Dhamma Is Rare In This World. And Sangha Who Practice The Dhamma Leading To Nibbana Is Also Very Rare In This World.
You now have the rare opportunity to attend to the sangha who are practicing the path to nibbana with a pleasant mind and collect immeasurable merit into your lives which will bring you happiness in this life and the next!
You can offer a breakfast or lunch meal to venerable nuns on a monthly basis or on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries and seek true blessings and merit into your lives!! If you are living far from the monastery, you can still participate by sponsoring (making a donation) for a meal for the venerable nuns.
Times for offering meals:
Breakfast Dana-6:30 a.m
Lunch Dana- 10:30 a.m
If you would like to offer pirikara (requisites needed for the monastery), please inquire from a venerable nun in advance.
*** To reserve a day you can refer the ‘Dana Calendar’ below.
Top Slot : Breakfast Dana
Bottom Slot : Lunch Dana
DARK GREEN – Booked Dates
LIGHT GREEN – Available Dates
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Frequently Asked Questions
You can first book a day for dana (either Breakfast Dana or Lunch Dana) as per the availability of the ‘Dana Calendar’. Then, on the day you booked, you can bring dana to the monastery and offer with your own hands to the venerable nuns.
You are free to prepare anything you wish. But please ensure that your menu consists of healthy a meal.
It is preferred if the menu is limited to three or four curries at maximum. You can offer drinks, sweets (low sugar), and fruits as well if you would like.
If you are offering a Breakfast Dana, it is appreciated if you can be at the monastery before 6.30 a.m.
If you are offering a Lunch Dana please ensure that you are at the monastery before 10.30 a.m.
No. You are free to wear whatever dress you feel comfortable in. But it is always admirable to consider the suitability and courtesy of being in a monastery.
Yes, you have parking facilities in front of the monastery.
You can accompany as many members as you wish. Or it is also possible to offer the dana on you own.
However if one offers dana with company, as a result of merit gained, he will get a great retinue to get help and support when in need in future lives.
#1. You can first book a day for dana (either Breakfast Dana or Lunch Dana) as per the availability of the ‘Dhana Calander’.
#2. Then you can make a donation of suitable amount to cover the dana expenses.
#1. You can deposit the money into the monastery’s bank account (as shown below) directly.
#2. Once you have deposited the money, please send the transaction receipt to the Whatsapp no:
(+94) 74 256 5527
#3. Then, send your punyāṇumōdanā (sharing of merit) through Whatsapp or email: info.buddhistnuns@gmail.com.
Bank Details:
Account Name: Buddhist Nuns
Bank: Sampath Bank
Branch: Pita Kotte
Account Number: 1091 6100 5735
Bank Code: 7278
Branch Code: 91
Swift Code: BSAMLKLX
If you would like to offer Pirikara please ask venerable nuns for what is needed as requisites for nun’s use and monastery needs.
It is recommended that you stay for the entire dana offering in order to fulfill your merit.
However, if you need to leave early, you may bring dana to monastery and stay for Buddha Puja and leave; or offer dana for the first round and leave without staying for punyāṇumōdanā.
On a regular basis, there are only 4 to 5 nuns; but it is always best to inquire in advance in case there are in change in numbers.

If you wish to take up a dana or have any questions, kindly contact us:
(+94) 74 256 5527 – Nuns of Mahamevnawa, Colombo
Learn about 'Sangha Dāna' from the teachings of the Supreme Buddha
Happiness is another word for Merit! If one collects merit by practicing giving in the right way, one can gain extreme comfort and happiness in this life and in many lives to come! A sappurisa (true person) always gives in the right way.
1) Gives with a pleasant mind
2) Gives well planned and nicely arranged
3) Gives at the right time
4) Gives unreservedly without holding on to what is being given
5) Gives without being a burden on oneself or others
If you give with a pleasant mind, in addition to becoming rich with great wealth and property you will be attractive and graceful with supreme beauty.
If you give well planned and nicely arranged, in addition to becoming rich with great wealth and property, your husband, wife, children or workers under you will listen to your words and be obedient to you.
If you give at the right time, in addition to becoming rich with great wealth and property, you will easily get whatever you need at the proper time.
If you give without holding on to or feeling attached to what you are giving, in addition to becoming rich with great wealth and property you will feel like using that wealth to enjoy yourself and please your senses.
If you give without being a burden on yourself or on others, in addition to becoming rich with great wealth and property, you will never lose the wealth you have gained from fires, floods, government, thieves or displeasing heirs.
These are the five benefits gained by a True person (sappurisa) who practices giving.
Aṅguttara Nikāya – The Book of the Fives – 5.37.
“Bhikkhus, a donor who gives food gives the recipients five things. What five?
One gives life, beauty, happiness, strength, and discernment.
(1) Having given life, one partakes of life, whether celestial or human.
(2) Having given beauty, one partakes of beauty, whether celestial or human.
(3) Having given happiness, one partakes of happiness, whether celestial or human.
(4) Having given strength, one partakes of strength, whether celestial or human.
(5) Having given discernment, one partakes of discernment, whether celestial or human.
A donor who gives food gives the recipients these five things.”
The wise one is a giver of life,
strength, beauty, and discernment.
The intelligent one is a donor of happiness
and in turn acquires happiness.
Having given life, strength, beauty,
happiness, and discernment,
one is long-lived and famous
wherever one is reborn.
Majjhima Nikāya | 142 Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅga Sutta
The Analysis of Giving
This is as I heard. At one time the Blessed One was living in the province of the Sakyans, in the city of Kapilavatthu at Nigrodha Monastery.
Then Mahāpajāpati Gotamī approached the Blessed One bringing a new pair of robes. She bowed, sat down to one side, and said to the Blessed One, “Bhante, I have spun and woven this new pair of robes especially for the Blessed One. May the Blessed One please accept this from me out of compassion.”
When she said this, the Blessed One said to her, “Give it to the Saṅgha, Gotamī. When you give to the Saṅgha, both the Saṅgha and I will be included.”
For a second time …
For a third time, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī said to the Blessed One, “Bhante, I have spun and woven this new pair of robes especially for the Blessed One. May the Blessed One please accept this from me out of compassion.”
And for a third time, the Blessed One said to her, “Give it to the Saṅgha, Gotamī. When you give to the Saṅgha, both the Saṅgha and I will be included.”
When the Buddha said this, Venerable Ānanda said to the Blessed One, “Bhante, please accept the new pair of robes from Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī. Bhante, Mahāpajāpatī was very helpful to the Blessed One. As the Buddha’s aunt, she raised, nurtured, and gave the Buddha her milk. When the Blessed One’s birth mother passed away, she nurtured him at her own breast.
“And the Blessed One has been very helpful to Mahāpajāpatī. It is because of the Blessed One that Mahāpajāpatī has gone for refuge to the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Saṅgha. It’s because of the Blessed One that she refrains from killing living creatures, stealing, committing sexual misconduct, lying, and taking intoxicating drinks and drugs. It’s because of the Blessed One that she has unshakeable confidence in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Saṅgha, and has virtue loved by the noble ones. It’s because of the Blessed One that she is free of doubt regarding the Noble Truth of suffering, the Noble Truth of the cause of suffering, the Noble Truth of the end of suffering, and the Noble Truth of the practice that leads to its end. The Blessed One has been very helpful to Mahāpajāpatī.”
“That’s so true, Ānanda. When someone has helped you to go for refuge, it’s not easy to repay him by bowing down to him, rising up for him, greeting him with joined palms, and observing proper etiquette for him; or by providing him with robes, alms-food, lodgings, and medicines. When someone has helped you to refrain from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, and intoxicating drinks and drugs, it’s not easy to repay him by bowing down to him, rising up for him, greeting him with joined palms, and observing proper etiquette for him; or by providing him with robes, alms-food, lodgings, and medicines.
“When someone has helped you to have unshakeable confidence in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Saṅgha, and virtue loved by the noble ones, it’s not easy to repay him by bowing down to him, rising up for him, greeting him with joined palms, and observing proper etiquette for him; or by providing him with robes, alms-food, lodgings, and medicines.
“When someone has helped you to be free of doubt regarding the Noble Truth of suffering, the Noble Truth of the cause of suffering, the Noble Truth of the end of suffering, and the Noble Truth of the practice that leads to its end, it’s not easy to repay him by bowing down to him, rising up for him, greeting him with joined palms, and observing proper etiquette for him; or by providing him with robes, alms-food, lodgings, and medicines.
Majjhima Nikāya | 142 Dakkhiṇāvibhaṅga Sutta
The Analysis of Giving
“Ānanda, there are these fourteen gifts1 to individuals. What fourteen?
“One gives a gift to the Supreme Buddha. This is the first gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to a Private Buddha. This is the second gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to an Arahant. This is the third gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to someone practicing the way to the realization of the fruit of arahantship. This is the fourth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to a non-returner. This is the fifth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of non-return. This is the sixth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to a once-returner. This is the seventh gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of once-return. This is the eighth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to a stream-enterer. This is the ninth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of stream-entry. This is the tenth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to one outside the Buddha’s path who is free of desire for sense pleasures. This is the eleventh gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to a virtuous ordinary person. This is the twelfth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to an immoral ordinary person. This is the thirteenth gift to an individual.
One gives a gift to an animal. This is the fourteenth gift to an individual.
“Now, Ānanda, gifts to the following individuals may be expected to yield the following returns.
“Giving a gift to an animal, yields a return a hundred times over.
Giving a gift to an unvirtuous ordinary person, yields a return a thousand times over.
Giving a gift to a virtuous ordinary person, yields a return a hundred thousand times over (100,000).
Giving a gift to an outsider free of desire for sense pleasures, yields a return a trillion times over (1,000,000,000,000).
But giving a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of stream-entry yields incalculable, immeasurable returns. How much more so giving a gift to a stream-enterer? How much more so giving a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of once-return? How much more so giving a gift to a once-returner? How much more so giving a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of non-return? How much more so giving a gift to a non-returner? How much more so giving a gift to someone practicing to realize the fruit of arahantship? How much more so giving a gift to an arahant? How much more so giving a gift to a Private Buddha?
“How much more so giving a gift to the Supreme Buddha?
“But there are, Ānanda, seven gifts given to the Saṅgha.2 What seven?
“One gives a gift to the communities of both monks and nuns headed by the Buddha. This is the first gift given to the Saṅgha.
“One gives a gift to the communities of both monks and nuns after the Supreme Buddha has attained final Nibbāna. This is the second gift given to the Saṅgha.
“One gives a gift to a community of monks. This is the third gift given to the Saṅgha.
“One gives a gift to a community of nuns. This is the fourth gift given to the Saṅgha.
“One gives a gift, requesting: ‘Appoint this many monks and nuns for me from the community.’ This is the fifth gift given to the Saṅgha.
“One gives a gift, requesting: ‘Appoint this many monks for me from the community.’ This is the sixth gift given to the Saṅgha.
“One gives a gift, requesting: ‘Appoint this many nuns for me from the community.’ This is the seventh gift given to the Saṅgha.
“Ānanda, in times to come there will be immoral people wearing robes in the guise of good monks. But they are unvirtuous and of bad character. People will give gifts to those unvirtuous people in the name of the Saṅgha. Even then, Ānanda, I say, a gift given in the name of the Saṅgha is incalculable and immeasurable.
Therefore, Ānanda, I say that there is no way a gift given to an individual can be more fruitful than giving a gift to the Saṅgha.
“Ānanda, there are these four ways of purifying a gift. What four? There’s a gift that’s purified by the giver, not the receiver. There’s a gift that’s purified by the receiver, not the giver. There’s a gift that’s not purified by the giver or the receiver. There’s a gift that’s purified by both the giver and the receiver.
- And how is a gift purified by the giver, not the receiver? It’s when the giver is virtuous, of good character, but the receiver is unvirtuous, of bad character.
- And how is a gift purified by the receiver, not the giver? It’s when the giver is unvirtuous, of bad character, but the receiver is virtuous, of good character.
- And how is a gift not purified by the giver or the receiver? It’s when both the giver and the receiver are unvirtuous, of bad character.
- And how is a gift purified by both the giver and the receiver? It’s when both the giver and the receiver are virtuous, of good character. These are the four ways of purifying a gift.”
That is what the Blessed One said. Then the most Compassionate One further said:
“When a virtuous person with pleasant mind,
gives a gift earned rightfully to unvirtuous persons,
believing the result of good kamma,
that offering is purified by the giver.
When an unvirtuous person with an unpleasant mind,
gives a gift earned wrongfully to virtuous persons,
not believing the result of good kamma,
that offering is purified by the receivers.
When an unvirtuous person with an unpleasant mind,
gives a gift earned wrongfully to unvirtuous persons,
not believing the result of good kamma,
I say that gift is not very fruitful.
When a virtuous person with a pleasant mind,
gives a gift earned rightfully to virtuous persons,
believing the result of good kamma,
I say that gift is very fruitful.
But when a desireless person gives to the desireless,
a gift earned rightfully with a pleasant mind,
believing the result of good kamma,
that’s truly the best of material gifts.”
Vimāna Vatthu | 1.14 Dutiya Suṇisā Sutta
Second Daughter-in-Law Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
In my previous life, I was a woman in the human world, a daughter-in-law living in my father-in-law’s house. One day I was pleased to see a monk who was free from defilements and had a peaceful mind.
I offered a honey-covered cake to that monk. To my amazement, I was reborn in the heavenly Nandana Park as a goddess.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 2.11 Dutiya Bhikkhadāyikā Sutta
Second Alms Giver’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, before I was born here, I lived in the human world. One day, I saw an Arahant monk who had a happy, pure, and calm mind. I happily offered alms to that Arahant monk with my own hands.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 3.6 Daddalla Sutta
Dazzling Mansion
Devata Bhadda:
Devata, you are dazzling and shining in beauty, surrounded by many goddesses. You surpass all the other Tavatimsa devas in beauty.
I have not seen you before. This is the first time I have seen you. From which heaven did you come? You called me by name.
Devata Subhadda:
Dear sister, in my previous life when I was in the human world, my name was Subhadda. I was your younger sister and was a co-wife with you. After death, I departed the human world and was reborn among the devas in the Nimmanarati Heaven.
Devata Bhadda:
Those who have collected much merit are reborn in Nimmanarati Heaven. So you too have been born in this wonderful heaven, haven’t you? Famous devata, who taught you to collect merit? What kind of offering did you make? What kind of precepts did you follow? We ask you, how did you gain all these wonderful things? Please tell us what meritorious deed this is the result of.
Devata Subhadda:
In my previous life when I was in the human world, I had confidence in the community of monks. They were worthy of offerings, so I offered food to eight monks with my own hands.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Sister, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body which shines in all directions.
Devata Bhadda:
My mind also had confidence in those monks. But I offered them much more food than you did. Yet, I have been born in a lower heavenly world than you. Having offered very little, how did you receive more happiness than me? Of what meritorious deed is this the result?
Devata Subhadda:
I knew a noble monk named Revata and was inspired by him. One day I invited eight monks along with Revata Bhante, with the intention of making individual offerings. Out of compassion for me, and to help me gain more merit, Revata Bhante told me not to make individual offerings but to make an offering to the Noble Sangha, the whole community of monks. I did exactly as he advised.
My offering was made to the Noble Sangha which has immeasurable virtues. But since you offered food to individual monks, your offering was not as fruitful.
Devata Bhadda:
Oh, only now do I know that offering to the Noble Sangha as a whole bears greater fruit. When I go back to the human world, I will make offerings to the Noble Sangha and I will look after the Noble Sangha well. Letting go of greed, I will collect merit diligently.
God Sakka:
Devata Bhadda, who is this devata that you are speaking with? Her beauty surpasses all other devas in the Tavatimsa Heaven.
Devata Bhadda:
God Sakka, Leader of the Devas, in my previous human life she was my younger sister. We were co-wives of the same husband. She has offered food to the Noble Sangha and collected vast amounts of merit. That is why she shines so brilliantly.
God Sakka:
Oh Devata Bhadda, your younger sister has offered food to the Noble Sangha and as a result she shines so brilliantly.
One day, the Supreme Buddha was staying on the mountain named Vulture’s Peak. I asked the Blessed One to whom should one offer food to get the greatest benefits? The Supreme Buddha had an excellent knowledge of actions and their results. The Blessed One answered, “If one wants to gain the most merit and be reborn in heaven, they should make offerings to the Noble Sangha. There are four types of disciples practicing the Path and four other types who have achieved the fruits of the Path. They are virtuous, mindful, and wise.”
Devata, I know very well that this Noble Sangha has immeasurable virtues. Their lives are full of good qualities like the great ocean. They are the disciples of the best teacher among humans. These disciples illuminate the world by spreading the Dhamma.
If someone offers food and drink to the community of the Noble Sangha that gift will bear immense results. The Knower of the World, the Buddha, praised giving and encouraged people to give offerings to the Noble Sangha.
Once offerings are made to the Noble Sangha, the givers should recollect that gift and then they will have delighted hearts. They will live rejoicing in their generous nature. As a result, they will be able to be born in a wonderful heaven.
Vimāna Vatthu | 6.3 Phaladāyikā Sutta
Fruit Giver’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
This mansion is very high, spreading for one hundred and sixty kilometers, with pillars of beryl and other gemstones. Seven hundred small houses with triangular-shaped roofs are within the complex. This mansion is extremely beautiful.
Dear Deva, inside the mansion, you are drinking and eating. The sweet music of divine guitars plays throughout the complex. Well-trained goddesses delight in dancing and singing.
Powerful Deva, you have become a leader among devas. The pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Tell me, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Great Bhante, if someone offers fruit to the community of noble monks who have pure hearts and calm minds, he will receive a great result. He will enjoy birth in the Tavatimsa Heaven experiencing that great result. Bhante, I too offered four pieces of fruits to the Noble Sangha.
Therefore, the one who wishes happiness in the human world and the heavenly world should offer fruit frequently to the Noble Sangha.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful deva and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Peta Vatthu | 1.1 Khettūpama Sutta
Like a Field
Arahants are like fertile fields. Givers are like the farmers, and what they offer is the seed. The combination of these three will produce a fruit of merit.
The seed, the planting of the seed, and the field are helpful to the givers and their departed relatives. The departed relatives experience happiness from the merit and the givers will receive more merit.
By doing wholesome deeds and sharing the merits that they receive with departed relatives, they are reborn in heaven to enjoy the results of their good deeds.
Vimāna Vatthu | 5.4 Kakkaṭakarasadāyaka Sutta
Crab-Soup Giver’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Dear Devata, your mansion is way up in the sky and spreads over one hundred and twenty kilometers. Pillars of beryl and other gemstones, and seven hundred pinnacled buildings are in your estate. It is very beautiful. Inside the mansion, you drink and eat and enjoy the sweetness of heavenly food. Guitars play sweet music. You have the five kinds of sensual pleasures. Devatas dance for you, wearing gold jewelry.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
There is a golden crab hanging on my door reminding me about my meritorious deed. It has ten legs and shines brilliantly. That is why the pure radiance of my body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions. Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body.
Vimāna Vatthu | 6.10 Uttara Sutta
Uttara’s Mansion
Kumara Kassapa Bhante:
Dear Deva, there is a beautiful divine hall owned by the god Sakka called Sudhamma Assembly Hall. All the Devas gather there harmoniously. Shining brilliantly in the sky, your mansion is as beautiful as that assembly hall.
Powerful Deva, you have become a leader among devas. The pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Tell me, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Kumara Kassapa gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, in my previous life I lived in the human world as a young servant of King Payasi. I received some money and offered alms using that money. Virtuous monks are very dear to me. I had confidence in them. I offered much food and drink to them respectfully.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful deva and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 2.10 Bhikkhadāyikā Sutta
Alms Giver’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi. What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, before I was born here, I lived in the human world. One day, I saw the Supreme Buddha who had a happy, pure, and calm mind. I happily offered alms to the Buddha with my own hands.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 2.3 Ācāmadāyikā Sutta
Rice-Crust Giver’s Mansion
God Sakka:
Kassapa Bhante, do you remember one day while you were on your almsround, you stood silently in front of a certain house? In that house there was a very poor lady of a low caste who used to go to other people’s houses to beg for food.
She was very pleased when she saw you and offered some rice-crust with her own hands. Now that she has died, which world was she reborn in?
Kassapa Bhante:
God Sakka, yes I do remember that day when I was on my almsround and I stood silently in front of a certain house. In that house there was a very poor lady of a low caste who used to go to other people’s houses to beg for food.
She was very pleased when she saw me and she offered some rice-crust with her own hands. Now she has died and escaped from that painful human life. She has been reborn in Nimmanarati Heaven where all the mighty devas possess psychic powers. That lady who offered some rice-crust now enjoys heavenly pleasures there.
God Sakka:
Amazing! It is wonderful! That poor lady offered rice-crust to Arahant Kassapa Bhante which she had begged from others, and that offering generated a wonderful result.
If one becomes the beautiful queen of a wheel-turning monarch, the happiness she experiences is not even worth a sixteenth part of the result of this rice-crust gift.
A hundred gold coins, a hundred horses, a hundred chariots pulled by mules, a hundred thousand maidens decorated in beautiful ornaments—happiness gained from these items is not worth a sixteenth part of the result of this rice-crust gift.
Even the happiness gained from a hundred Himalayan elephants with round tusks like wheels and necks decorated with golden ornaments is not worth a sixteenth part of the result of this rice-crust gift.
Even if someone became the ruler of this whole earth, a wheel-turning monarch, even his happiness is not worth a sixteenth part of the result of this rice-crust gift.
Vimāna Vatthu | 1.10 Tiladakkhiṇā Sutta
Sesame-Gift Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Devata, the pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
In my previous life, I was a woman in the human world. One day I saw the Supreme Buddha who was free from defilements and had a peaceful mind. I knew very well that the Buddha was worthy of gifts and therefore my mind had confidence in him. I was a little worried because I did not have valuable things to offer. But still, I offered some sesame seeds with my own hands.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 2.9 Sunandā Sutta
Sunanda’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, your beauty shines in all directions like the bright star named Osadhi.
What are the meritorious deeds that led to this happiness?
Tell me, Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, in the human world there is a city called Rajagaha. There I was a female lay follower of the Supreme Buddha. My name was Sunanda. I had unshakable faith in the Triple Gem. I practiced the precepts and delighted in giving and sharing. Furthermore, I had confidence in noble monks who had pure minds. I offered robes, food, shelter, and lamps to them.
I was eager to observe the Eight Precepts four times a month on each of the four moon phases. I led a restrained life and was very generous.
I abstained from killing, stealing, lying, and taking intoxicants. I did not cheat on my husband. I delighted in keeping these Five Precepts every day. I was wise enough to realize the Four Noble Truths. That is how I became a dedicated follower of Gautama Supreme Buddha.
Because of these meritorious deeds, I have been born as a very beautiful devata and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, those were the meritorious deeds I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 3.1 Uḷāra Sutta
Splendid Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you are very mighty and your beauty illuminates all the directions. Many gods and goddesses decorated with divine jewelry dance and sing to entertain you. You are superior to all of them in status and happiness. Your mansion is very beautiful. It is made of gold. You spend your time here very happily.
What kind of merit did you do to receive this result?
Tell me Devata, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have such beauty as well as all these wonderful things?
That devata, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what she had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Before I was born here, I lived in the human world. I was a daughter-in-law in a very greedy family that did not have any faith in the Triple Gem. But I had unshakable confidence in the Triple Gem and I followed the Five Precepts. I delighted in giving and sharing. One day, Bhante, you came on your almsround and I offered you an oil cake.
When my mother-in-law came home, I told her, “Mother, today a monk came here. I was happy and offered an oil cake with my own hands.” My mother-in-law scolded me saying, “You are a disobedient and evil girl. You did not get permission from me to give an oil cake to a monk.”
She got very angry and hit me with a grinding stone, breaking my shoulder. My injury was very serious and I did not live long after that. After death, I escaped from suffering in the human world and was born among devas in Tavatimsa Heaven.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful goddess and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that was the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.
Vimāna Vatthu | 3.2 Lacchudāyikā Sutta
Sugar-Cane Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
Devata, you shine like the sun which illuminates the sky and the earth. You shine like a great Brahma who shines brighter than Sakka and the Tavatimsa devas. You surpass others with your beauty, fame, and power.
Devata, you wear blue lotus garlands, your skin is the color of gold, and you wear beautiful dresses. Now that you are worshiping me, I ask you, who are you?
What kind of meritorious action did you do in the past? Did you practice generosity well, or follow the precepts? How have you been born in this heaven? What action have you done to earn this result?
Bhante, in this same village which we are in right now, you came to our house on your almsround. I was pleased to see you. I offered you a small piece of sugar-cane with a delighted heart.
Later, when my mother-in-law came home, she asked me, “Daughter-in-law, where did you put my sugar-cane?” I told her, “I neither threw it away nor ate it. I offered it to a peaceful monk.” My mother-in-law got very angry. Scolding me she said, “Hey! Are you the owner of this house or am I? Who makes the decisions here?” She hit me with a chair and I died instantly. I was reborn as a devata in this heaven.
That was the meritorious action I did. This is how I enjoy this divine happiness surrounded by gods. The god Sakka protects the Tavatimsa Heaven and the Tavatimsa devas protect me. The result of the offering of a small piece of sugar-cane was not small. It generated great fruit. I enjoy happiness in the heavenly Nandana Park like the god Sakka.
Bhante, you are very compassionate and wise. I came here to ask about your well-being and worship you. I have received all these wonderful things having offered a small piece of sugar-cane to you willingly and with a very happy mind.
Vimāna Vatthu |6.2 Dutiya Agāriya Sutta
Second Householder’s Mansion
Moggallana Bhante:
The best park among all parks is Cittalata Park, found in the great Tavatimsa Heaven. Dear Deva, your mansion shines in the sky like that Cittalata Park.
Powerful Deva, you have become a leader among devas. The pure radiance of your body and limbs is stainless and shines in all directions.
Tell me, what kind of meritorious action did you do when you were in the human world to have gained this beauty that shines in all directions, and to have earned all these wonderful things?
That deva, delighted at being questioned by Arahant Moggallana, gladly explained what he had done that resulted in such great happiness.
Bhante, in the human world, my wife and I lived like a pond filled with water – very generously. With confident hearts, we respectfully offered much food and drink to the monks.
Because of this meritorious deed, I have been born as a very beautiful deva and enjoy all the wonderful things that delight my heart.
Great Bhante, that is the meritorious action I did to have such a beautiful body that shines in all directions.